Acne scars

Why acne causes scars and how to treat them?

Inflammation of acne blemishes underneath your face skin results in Acne scars.The pore wall breaks down, causing the acne pore to expand. Some acne lesions are tiny, leaving superficial scars that heal fast. Blemishes may leak their contents into the surrounding tissue, leaving deeper scarring. In order to treat the scar, the skin produces new collagen fibres. Inspite of almost universal medical and beauty advice to “not pick,” some people still find it difficult to resist the impulse to pop their pimples. When they do this, a little, innocuous lump on their face develops into an open wound with pus, oil, and occasionally blood. Their are mainly two forms of acne: A scar develops when there is a loss of tissue, scar develops that is raised on the surface of the skin. Your skin creates collagen (“repair tissue”) to help heal and light up the marks. Scar happen as your body is trying to repair acne 

What factors lead to scars of an Acne?

Factor 1- Genetics: Scarring is simply in the DNA of certain people. If your family has a history of acne scarring, you should be particularly cautious about how you care for your skin.

Factor 2- Puberty: Isn’t it surprising? Someday, we’ll realise puberty is truly beneficial. Meanwhile, it appears to be causing more difficulty than it is worth. Teenagers, for example, are more prone to acne due to the hormonal changes that occur in their bodies. And more acne means a greater chance of scarring.

Factor 3- Gender: Acne scarring can affect both men and women, although it appears to be more prevalent in men. Because of androgens, males are more likely than women to develop severe and chronic acne (the male hormone). 

Factor 4- Time: If your acnes are last longing then definitely you will get darker marks on your face. 

Factor 5- Acne Type: Scarring, contrary to popular belief, is directly associated to severity. When acne is inflamed, widespread, and deeply rooted in the skin, scarring is much more likely.

Factor 6- Sun Exposure: Sunlight contains Vitamin D, which is beneficial to your skin if you don’t get too much of it. While excessive sun exposure does not directly cause scarring, it does contribute to your acne spots being darker and more visible.

What are the home remedies to remove acne scars?

You can get number of creams. Find out which is best for your skin type and type of scar by seeing your dermatologist. There are several potent creams available. They consist of any combination of the substances below:

  • Alpha hydroxy acids.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Retinoids.
  • Salicylic acid.

Ways to get rid of acne scars:

1- Don’t squeeze, pop or pick at pimple: Squeezing may push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, resulting in increased swelling and redness. Squeezing can also cause scabs and leave you with permanent pits or scars.

2- Reduce inflammation: Increasing your water and fluid intake, Applying a cold compress to the swollen area, wash your your twice a day. 

3- Apply Coconut OilCoconut oil is high in lauric acid, which helps kill the bacteria that cause acne. Applying coconut oil to the skin can kill acne-causing bacteria and increase moisture, which may also reduce acne scarring.

5- Ice Cubes : Rubbing a block of ice on your face has a massive number of beauty benefits from sorting out problems like acne to scars and moisturising your skin. 

6- Use benzoyl peroxide gel: It is cold in temperature and dermatologist recommended. 

7- Never skip sunscreen: It makes a protective layer and helps your skin from direct sunlight and dust. 

8- Turmeric: You will need:

  • 1 tsp turmeric 
  • 1 tsp honey
    • Take equal proportions of both the ingredients into a mixing bowl.
    • Make a smooth paste and apply all over your affected areas.
    • let it stay on your skin for 20-30mins before rinding it off.
    • Repeat this treatment every alternative day.
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