skin care routine

How to create best skin care routine?

Do you know the skin is the body’s largest organ? And guess what! Face skin is the most sensitive part in our body. So glowing skin plays a very crucial role as it can attract everyone. It can determine how much Hygiene and Clean you keep yourself. Everyone wants clear glowing skin but do you work for it? If not or else you don’t know how to create best skin care routine, we have found a solution given under followed by the Korean practises:

Skincare Routine Steps : [Perform these steps twice a day for better results]

1- Face Cleansing: Your face’s skin is constantly being invaded by germs, pollutants, viruses, dirt, oil and old (dead) skin cells during the course of the day. So in order to prevent from these pollutants wash your face atleast twice a day giving a clear appearance to your skin with a skin friendly cleanser or which suits to your skin. Look for a cleanser that is hypoallergenic, free of fragrance, chemicals, or alcohol and has a non-foaming formula. 

2- Facial Toner: A facial toner is a liquid skincare product. It plays multiple roles as part of a in your skincare routine as firstly, it cleans off any residue that face cleansers left behind. Toner hydrates, prepares, and calms skin, depending on the product selected for your skin type, so that it can properly absorb moisturiser after cleaning. For that you can use DISTILLED ROSE WATER

3-Use Face Serum: A face serum is not like a lotion or moisturiser or else face serums are lightweight formulation. It contains a high concentration of active ingredients such as vitamin c[ingredient for anti-ageing], Hyaluronic acids[which hydrates your skin], Antioxidants[protect skin from stress and environmental damage], Retinols[ideal for skins that are prone to acne, while also addressing fine lines and wrinkles]. 

4- Eye cream: Many of you avoid this but this helps to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.It minimizes the look of puffiness. It helps reduce the appearance of dark circles. Eye cream delivers tailor-made hydration. And also prepares your skin for makeup.

5- Moisturiser: Did you know that all of these environmental elements, including hot or cold weather, air conditioning, and interior heat, may zap the moisture right out of your skin? So to prevent this you must use moisturiser as it also prevents dryness, helps to fight pimple, keeps soothe sensitive skin. *Prefer a lotion that contains Hyaluronic acids such as. 

**Sunscreen: Note down! don’t exploit your skin without using sunscreen on your face. It is one of the best way to protect your skin’s appearance and it’s health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging.

What should I use at night ?

Obviously everyone moves out from their comfort zone and hence their skin get exploited, so you must add these steps to your skin care routine to enrich the nourishment to your skin!


Step1: Daily Wash your face before going to bed.

Step2: After face wash apply toner to your skin as mentioned above.

Step3: Then you should take 3-4 drops of face serum

Step4: Firmly massage with Alovera gel [Increases healing time and limits scarring] .

Step 5: Apply virgin coconut oil twice a week to gain nutrients and remove acne scars. 

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